
Job training is an essential and important process in every company. It provides employees with new skills and knowledge. It helps employees to understand their own job and responsibilities better. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf also train their employees. It provides the best training and development programs for all the employees. 

Training is usually divided into on-the-job and off-the-job training. On-the-job training is used when employees are on their working hours. The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf trains new employees by teaching them how to make beverages and how to communicate with customers properly. Not only new employees, but the company also trains all team members. This is known as the ongoing training programs. It can develop skills of employees and to maintain the reputation of the company. These training programs are conducted during employees' working hours. 

"If you punish people for trying and making mistakes, you lose the one or two gems that are created in that environment.” - Melvin Elias

During the process of training, people make mistakes. However, Melvin Elias don't punish them for making mistakes. "Never try, never know". Although employees make mistakes, but that is a process of training and learning. 


"Benefits | The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf." Benefits | The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Hawaii. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>.
Francis, Kedric. "Mel Elias: LA's Coffee King." Los Angeles Confidentials RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. <>.

1 comment:

  1. I think that on-the-job training is necessary in a business company, and the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf has successfully achieve it. Despite the cost used in training program, the company is willing to train better workers.

    I think that Melvin Elias should also conduct off-the-job training as well. There weren't any information on off-the-job training programs in CBTL.
